Szkło2 Szkło3 Szkło6

The largest part of each joinery is glass. Its significance in constructing joinery encouraged us to manufacture glass units entirely by ourselves. Our technological line for production of glass units allows for selection of appropriate elements of glass packets, to meet our clients' requirements. Each type of glass unit is chosen for door or windows after analyzing multiple parameters of a given unit, including:
  • heat permeability, the so called U coefficient [W/m2K],
  • UV transmission [%],
  • transmission for standardized source of radiation D65 [%],
  • reflection for standardized source of radiation D65 [%],
  • color representation coefficient [%],
  • direct permeability of solar radiation [%],
  • direct reflection of solar radiation [%],
  • solar radiation absorption[%],
  • repeated transfer of energy indoor coefficient [%],
  • level of resistance to hand attack.
The standard in our glazing are glass units of U coefficient =1,0 W/m2K, but our capabilities are higher; we can currently provide our products with double-chambered glass units of U = 0,7W/m2K, or even 0,5W/m2K